Sunday, June 20, 2010

Learning theory in review!

Now that I have a much better understanding of the various learning styles I have a completely different view point with regard to learning theories and instructional design. From the earliest theory of behaviorism to the more modern theory of connectivism, the field of Instructional Design can learn and benefit from each of these. I was already familiar with Pavlov’s theory with regard to rewarding behavior that is considered “positive” or “appropriate” behavior but most other theories were new to me. I now have a new understanding of the role of these theories and how some of them may affect the ID field. The theory I can most relate to is the Adult learning theory. As a mom of 4 and a husband who works crazy long hours, I have found that the only opportunity for me to further my education is through adult education. Connectivism has allowed me to accomplish this!

Connectivism is considered a learning theory for the digital age. This theory has allowed individuals from all around the world to come together for a common purpose and begin learning from one another in a way that would never have been possible before the digital age. I have been enrolled in school with students from countries that I have only read about. This has allowed me to gain knowledge and experience from individuals that have a very different culture. This allows for very interesting discussions. I have come to realize that we are all a product of our environment. The way I view/handle a particular situation will be quite different from another. For example; I look at my 7 y/o who still struggles with counting money. Then I look at children in other countries such as Italy. While vacationing there I saw many young children, around the age of 7, selling various items on the street. They handled money like an adult. Education is no different. Through technology I am able to gain knowledge from others that they gained due to their environmental experiences that would never have been possible with the internet!

I am excited to move forward in this degree program. I believe it will be an interesting journey in which I will learn a great deal not only about the field of ID but about individuals and what makes us tick as well.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010